COLLAGEN – The gut and skin wonder nutrient


The collagen market has hit the health and wellness industry by storm. Everyone wants a piece of the beauty pie. Claims of increasing skin elasticity, firming up sagging skin, healing damaged skin and on a less vein level, supporting joints and healing the gut have people scrambling at local health food stores, pharmacies and beauty houses for all things collagen. Now I have suggested here that the vanity side of things might be completely separate from the gut, but in reality, the gut and skin are very closely connected.

We all begin life as just one lonely little cell, in the comfy and warm womb of our mothers. From here, we very rapidly divide into many cells and develop until we become a fully grown baby. As we continue this growth some of our original cells and remain linked together. Our gut, skin and brain are connected closely by our original tissues.

This has led research to identify a clear link between the gut, skin and associated skin conditions.

Did you know the skin is our body’s largest organ?

As a structural organ, the skin plays a very important part in maintaining a healthy body from:

  • UV damage (from the sun)
  • Dietary and environmental factors that cause free radical damage
  • Environmental pollutants
  • Physical stress placed on the skin

Other factors may affect the health of our skin including:

  • Hormone imbalances
  • A poor diet
  • Alcohol
  • Dehydration
  • The dysfunction of other organs such as the liver and gut

So, what about collagen then?

Collagen is found naturally in the structural makeup of our skin. It plays a large role in skin elasticity, ensuring that our skin does not sag and wrinkle, which is why the beauty industry has made a fortune out of topical collagen products. Collagen is also found in the gut lining playing a similar healing and protective role, but on a deeper level that we cannot see. Although, those with gut problems such as leaky gut will soon discover the benefits after taking collagen supplements or increasing collagen naturally with food.

PLUS Vitamin C

Collagen is heavily reliant on the incredibly famous antioxidant known as Vitamin C for production in the body. Including several sources of Vitamin C rich foods in the diet daily can boost your chances of producing enough collagen to achieve that beautiful, firm glow you have been searching for, as well as do some fabulous healing work in the gut. Because both organs are so connected and so vital to overall health, it is important to work on both the skin and gut.

Here are some vitamin C rich food sources:

  • Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower
  • Capsicums
  • Chillis
  • Leafy greens (spinach, cabbage, kale etc.)
  • Sweet potatoes, pumpkins
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Mango
  • Pineapple
  • Papaya
  • Watermelon
  • All berries
  • Thyme
  • Parsley
  • Lemons, oranges, grapefruit

Sources of Collagen

  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Lean beef
  • Citrus fruits
  • Egg white
  • Garlic
  • Berries
  • Cashews
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Soy products
  • Tomatoes
  • Capsicum

The road to healthy skin

The diet plays a key role in the health of our skin. The skin relies on essential nutrients to preserve its integrity and elasticity. Eating nutrient-rich foods often can ensure we are getting the variety of nutrients require for that all-important glow and youthfulness.

Enjoy Your Fruit & Veggies Plentifully

Fruit and vegetables are a given, we all know it, but we sometimes need to be reminded of this in these times of fast food and time-poor lifestyles. The antioxidants and phytochemicals (plant chemicals and nutrients) found in our fruits and vegetables help to maintain skin elasticity and integrity below the surface of the skin, as well as what we can see in the mirror. Fruit and vegetables also offer the gut the nutrients it requires to produce collagen and stressless hormones.

Eat Seasonally

Eating seasonally increases the nutritional profile of fruits and vegetables meaning you will get the most out of them!

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are important in helping to build cell membranes and hydrate and plump the skin. Omega-3, omega-6 and monounsaturated fatty acids are the best of the fats.

Sources of healthy fats include:

  • Avocado
  • Nut butters
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Eggs
  • Oily fish (salmon, tuna, cod, sardines)
  • Olive oil
  • Olives

Boost your immune system this winter with these simple tips

Vitamin C

Get your zzzzz’s

Sleep is a time for the body to rest and recover. It is a time for cell and muscle rejuvenation and allows the body to focus on killing off any nasties you may have come across throughout the day. Sleep has also been shown to improve the memory of the immune system to fight off previously met viruses or bacterial invaders. This means that our body has the power it needs to respond promptly to attacks from foreign materials that may be out to make you sick.

If you are struggling to get a peaceful night’s sleep, talk to your nutrition professional about the benefits of magnesium. You may also like to try sipping on a comforting, warming cup of chamomile tea before bed to relax.

Stay active

Physical activity enhances circulation and increases the immune systems ability to find and fight off harmful invaders such as bacteria and virus. Being active also produces sweat through our skin. The skin is one of the major detoxing organs, forcing out unwelcome sicknesses.

Even low intensity exercise plays a role in stimulating healthy circulation and immune responses. Just move as much as you can safely.

Eat more antioxidants

Consuming foods high in antioxidants enhance the activity of the immune system and reduces toxic materials such as bacteria and viruses from taking hold in the body. Foods with bright rich colours posses the greatest amounts of antioxidants. For example, capsicum, berries, tomatoes, beetroot, leafy greens etc.

Get your daily dose of D

Safe sun exposure can improve immune function and reduce the duration and frequency of cold and flu. Even in winter the sun can still burn so short amounts of time spent in the sun is advised.

Take a bath with double the benefits

Epsom salts have been shown to reduce toxins in the body. There is nothing better than taking a warm relaxing bath in Winter. The relaxation that Epsom salts offers is a bonus to the immune system, allowing it to rejuvenate, because we all know the impact stress has on our health!

Bend it like Beckham

Yoga is an effective circulatory stimulant, digestive activator and endocrine system booster. All of these systems work together to form part of a high-quality immune system. Yoga’s ability to stimulate circulation, reduce stress and support relaxation makes it a powerful immune fighting tool to add to your daily routine.

Step away from the desk

A sedentary lifestyle, common in todays white collar, technology dominated world, can reduce the rate of circulation around our body. This means toxins are unable to be identified readily by our immune system. Getting up and moving and … even better, moving outdoors, for even a brief 15 minutes a few times a day can greatly improve your circulation and get you away from the recirculating bugs that float around in the office air-conditioning.

Be sure to breathe deeply

The simple action of breathing increases the free flowing of oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of the lungs and blood stream. With these breaths nasty foreign materials are also exhaled. The oxygen that is breathed in supports immune cell health, improving the force of the all-important warrior we call our immune system. Further, taking deep breaths has been shown to reduce stress and enhance relaxation.

Indulge in a Massage

Massages that focus on the lymphatic system, help to circulate and drain the body of toxic blockages that may be backing up and contributing to frequent illnesses. Relax in style and allow your body and mind to sink away while feeling the undeniable benefits of a massage.

Dance, jump and shout and let it all out!

Dancing and jumping around forcefully pushes toxins out through sweat and all other eliminatory organs such as the kidneys, liver and digestive system. Why not have some fun while working on your immune system.

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Being angry and frustrated certainly takes its toll on your stress levels and your immune system. The simple act of being angry impacts greatly on hormones and gut which play a large role in immunity.

Be at one with your body. Listen to its cues. Give it the nutrients and TLC its needs and desires!

Xx Danielle Catherine
