Breakfast: Oat, Chia, Hemp and Nut Protein Pudding


Why is breakfast so important?

Breakfast is an important part of our health. It prepares us physically and mentally for the day and sets the tone for how our metabolism will respond for the day ahead.

This is why, the foods we choose to put in or not to put in our mouth in some people’s case, really does have an effect on how we live for that day.

Consequences of no breakfast or the wrong breakfast may include:

  • Poor concentration
  • Poor memory and retention of information
  • Brain fog
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Low productivity
  • Poor brain function
  • Low energy
  • Low libido
  • Excessive hunger later in the day
  • Bing eating
  • Poor sleep
  • Higher levels of stress or a poor stress response
  • Slow metabolism


Longer term implications may include:

  • Weight gain/weight loss
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Blood sugar complications
  • Muscle wasting
  • Elevations in cholesterol and blood pressure

A well-balanced breakfast should include a balance of protein, healthy fats and a small amount of complex carbohydrates.

This Oat, Chia, Hemp and Nut Protein Pudding will have any feeling energised and ready to take on your day.


Oat, Chia, Hemp and Nut Protein Breakfast Pudding



1 tbsp. chia seeds

30g oats

½ cup water

Combine in a bowl and soak overnight.


1 tsp cacao powder

1 tbsp cacao nibs

1 heaped tsp almond butter (or any pure nut butter)

1 tsp cinnamon powder

10g vegan protein, flavour of choice

Another ½ cup water

1 dash almond milk


10g Mixed nuts and seeds

10g hemp seeds


Add pre-soaked chia/oat mix to a small pot.

Turn heat to low-medium.

Gently warm and add the remaining water, stir.

Once stirred through add the rest of the ingredients besides the toppings and stir until combine.

Remove from heat into bowl.

Top with mixed nuts, seeds and hemp seeds.

The pictured pudding also has dragon fruit chips for decoration, but you may like to add some fresh fruit such as passionfruit or berries.

You can enjoy this pudding cold or warm so it is a fantastic breakfast all year round!

Hangover Survival Smoothie

The Dreaded Hangover, Often the Consequence of a Good Time

I am not one to drink regularly, however, I do on occasion like to socialise and let my hair down with a few drinks.

Because alcohol highly depletes our vitamins, minerals, body fluids and disrupts the functioning of our guts and liver, it is important to replenish with quality nutrients.


I like to take a liver support before the event and drink lots of water to reduce dehydration.

Once I get home and, in the morning, I find a nice smoothie nourishing and restoring and…. greatly reduces the severity of the hang over.

This smoothie is dairy free, gluten free, vegan and refined sugar free! 


In my Hangover Survival Smoothie you will find

1 cup almond milk or coconut water (full of electrolytes)

½ cup mixed berries (full of antioxidants)

1 banana (contains potassium, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates)

¼- ½ avocado (healthy fats to reduce inflammation and fibre)

1 tsp cacao powder (contains magnesium)

20g prana or Sunwarrior protein vegan proteins

¼ cup baby spinach

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp nut butter

60ml Kefir

1 tsp maca powder

1 tsp chia seeds

Simply blend it all up before you begin your big night/day and have half when you get home and finish it off in the morning with a healthy protein and complex carb brekky.

Why these ingredients?

Coconut water contains a mix of electrolytes to support proper hydration and the processing of alcohol.

Berries are high in antioxidants to reduce the oxidative damage that alcohol has on our body. They also contain vitamin C to support the immune system and processing of alcohol.

Bananas are a source of the electrolyte potassium to replace the losses caused by the diuretic effect of alcohol. They also contain other beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Avocados are rich in fibre and potassium but are also are great source of healthy fats which help to reduce the oxidative damage caused by alcohol.

Cacao is rich in antioxidants to reduce oxidative damage and is a valuable source of magnesium, another electrolyte that assists in hydration, the processing of alcohol and relaxed the muscle and nervous system. Magnesium is also a vasodilator which can reduce the severity of headaches.

Protein utilisation and absorption is reduced with alcohol intake. Because protein plays an important role in every function of our body including our immune system, nervous system, digestive functions, liver function and muscle repair and function it is important that we replenish our protein to process the alcohol we have consumed and restore efficient and optimal body function.

Spinach contains iron and antioxidants along with other essential vitamins and minerals to reduce damaged blood cells and oxidative damage.

Cinnamon soothes and warms the digestive tract but also assists in blood sugar regulation that is often disrupted by alcohol, particularly those yummy drinks containing large amounts of sugars.

Nut butters not only taste delish! but they contain beneficial amounts of healthy fats.

Kefir assists in restoring the healthy gut bacteria that we lose with drinking alcohol. Many people now days have altered gut flora without the inclusion of alcohol so re-introducing these important little friends goes a long way towards a healthy hangover recovery.

Maca powder will boost your energy levels to bounce back faster.

Chia seeds are little seeds that pack a powerful nutritional punch. They are full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre and healthy fats providing the tools for a speedy recovery.

It’s what you put in that counts!

Fudgy Choc-Banana Brownies (flour free)

Fudgy Flour Free Choc-Banana Brownies

These deliciously easy to make flour free fudgy brownies require just 4 ingredients!

At approximately 100 calories per flour free brownie and a whole lot of goodness including:

  • magnesium
  • antioxidants
  • potassium
  • healthy fats
  • low GI carbohydrates
  • protein

These sweet treats are the perfect 3pm pick-me-up…
Find that spring in your step when the afternoon slump hits!

It is important to snack smart. Foods that support and regulate healthy blood sugar levels will ensure you continue on your way feeling content, headache free and full of the kind of  energy that lives on throughout your busy day.

A good quality snack should not be high in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats but it should contain a healthy balance of quality healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Simple Fudgy Choc Banana Protein Brownies (flour free) Recipe

3 medium, overripe bananas (the riper they are the sweeter they are)

1/2 cup smooth pure almond butter, or any other pure nut butter (no added salt, sugar or nasties)

2 tablespoons cacao powder

¼ cup Prana Chocolate Protein

How to prepare and cook your brownies

Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius, line and grease a small loaf pan.

In a microwave friendly bowl or small saucepan on the stovetop, melt the almond or other nut butter. In a large glass or metal mixing bowl, add banana, nut butter and cacao powder and mix well with a beater (if you have a kitchen aid use this to mix for a smooth consistency).

Transfer the brownie mixture into the pre-greased pan. Bake in the preheated oven for approximately 20 minutes or until cooked through. Remove the brownie from the oven and allow to cool before slicing into pieces (this will ensure it holds together).

Cut into approximately 12 slices and store in the fridge for later enjoyment.

Why else are these brownies so awesome?


  • contain no added sugars, refined sugar free  (all the sweetness come from the natural sugars in the bananas and the stevia in the protein powder)
  • have no nasty additives
  • contain no added saturated fats (just the healthy fats contained in natural nut butters)
  • are dairy free, meaning they are vegan friendly
  • gluten free, meaning they are perfect for coeliac and gluten intolerant (ensure that you select only products that are labelled gluten free if coeliac)



Garlic & Chive Aioli


How good is aioli with some delicious oven baked sweetpotato fries!

Try this amazing aioli recipe. Believe it or not, homemade aioli can be healthy..

How you ask? Well the yolks of eggs and olive oil offer some amazing anti-inflammatory benefits and add to your daily healthy fat intake.

Egg yolks themselves provide a sturdy amount of B1, Zinc, Calcium, Iron, B6, Folate, B12 and vitamins A, D, E and K.

Olive oil boasts antioxidants to reduce tissue damage, skin health (keeping us looking fab and with moisturised plump skin), protect heart and cardiovascular health, is anti-inflammatory to reduce pain, inflammation and tissue damage and offers Vitamins E and K.

So get that oven baked chip and dig in!

Garlic & Chive Aioli

1/4 tsp Himalayan/Celtic Salt

1/2 Lemon Juiced

4 Garlic Cloves (hint* roast them and it will taste even better!)

300mL good quality olive oil

bunch chives chopped smallOnline Nutritionist

1 tbsp. Dijon mustard

1 whole egg



Place garlic, mustard, egg and chives in a processor/blend bowl. Process or blend until combined (roughly 10 seconds).

keep the motor running and slowly had the oil over the top until combine (approx. 2 mins) – be careful to add this very slowly.

The mixture should begin to thicken, once thickened stop the machine and add the lemon juice and salt and pulse. If mixture creeps up the side, use a spatula to scrape it down. Pulse a second time until nicely combined, smooth and thick. Leave aside for half and hour before consuming. Place remaining mixture in a glass jar and place in the fridge for up to one week.



Simple Sugar-Free Banana Bread

Banana Bread

Who doesn’t love banana bread right? Well now you can enjoy a delicious slice of banana bread without the guilt. This recipe is completely sugar and flour free (apart from the natural sugars from the bananas) meaning lower carbohydrate, leaving room for more nutritious ingredients.

This recipe is also dairy free and gluten free.

Banana Bread

2 medium bananas, ripe

3 eggs

2 tbsp coconut or olive oil


½ cup xylitol

2 cups almond meal or flax meal

1 tbsp baking powder (gluten free for those avoiding gluten)

1 tsp vanilla essence

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 c walnuts chopped (optional)


Preheat oven toOnline Nutritionist 180 degrees fan forced. Oil a loaf pan.

Use a shaker or two cup measuring cup for wet ingredients and a bowl for dry ingredients.

Mash bananas in a separate bowl with a folk and put into the 2 cup container. Mix or shake.

Add all wet ingredients to the bananas and make it up to two cups by adding water.

Combine all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and add wet ingredients, beat for 2-3 minutes, stir in walnuts if using them.

Pour the batter into the loaf pan and smooth the top.

Bake for 45-55 minutes or until a folk inserted comes out clean.

Allow to completely cool and cut into 1cm slices and wrap in alfoil and sandwich bag for work.

Store in freezer for longer term consumption.

Clean Orange, Poppy Seed & Pistachio Muffins

Orange poppy seed pistachio muffins

We all love muffins and they are often a convenient and yummy snack option. However, they often come with a hefty, less than nutritious caloric profile and this can impact both our waistline and overall health. Thankfully, there are raw ingredient options available to us to boost their nutritional profile and reduce poor quality calories.

Clean Orange, Poppy Seed & Pistachio Muffins




100g pistachios (unsalted), & an extra 1 ½ tbsp. chopped (for decoration).

100g almond flour/meal (if you don’t have any on hand, put 50g almonds in a food processor and grind down)

50g coconut flour.

60g rapadura sugar (or xylitol if you are looking to cut down on sugar)

1 tsp baking powder

1 pinch sea salt or Celtic salt or Himalayan salt

Zest of one orange + juice of 1 fresh orange.

1 tbsp. poppy seeds, plus 1 tsp additional for decoration

60mL almond milk

4 lightly beaten large eggs

3 tbsp. walnut, hazelnut or almond oil (or olive oil if neither are available to you)

1 tsp vanilla bean paste/extract

1 tsp ground cinnamon




Preheat oven to 180⁰C. Line 10 spaces of a muffin tin with muffin cases.

Place 100g of pistachios in a food processor or blender and process until fine.

Place ground pistachios into a large bowl and stir in other dry ingredients as well as the orange zest.

Squeeze orange juice into a measuring cup and add almond milk up to 175mL. Pour mixture over dry ingredients and add eggs, oil and vanilla. Stir until smooth.

Spoon mixture into prepared muffin cases, top with designated decorative pistachios and poppy seeds.

Bake for 25-30 mins or until a fork or skewer comes out clean.

Leave to cool.

Transfer into an airtight container for storage in the fridge or freezer if left for more than 4 days.

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