Homemade Oven Dried Tomatoes (AKA Sundried)

Sundried tomatoes are a tasty addition to any salad, antipasto plate or smashed avocado. Store bought sundried tomatoes however, often come with some nasty additives and unhealthy oils. Making them at home can be a sure fire way of ensuring they are as healthy and clean as possible but still absolutely delish!

Not only are they yummy, cooked tomatoes are higher in lycopene than their raw, fresh counterparts. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant which has been praised for improving male prostate health, cardiovascular health and to protect against sun damage.

Homemade Oven Dried Tomatoes

  • 1kg Roma tomatoes
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • Himalayan salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 100 degrees Celsius fan forced. Line a medium to large baking tray (or use two smaller trays) with baking paper or parchment paper.

Cut each tomato in half length ways. Lay out skin side down on the baking tray, leaving some space between them.

Drizzle olive oil lightly over each. Season with salt and pepper.

Place in the oven for 7-10 hours or until fluid has evaporated and tomatoes have flattened and shrivelled.

Store in a glass jar in the fridge with a 1/4 of the jar filled with olive oil.

Enjoy over salads, with antipasto platters or on your brekky avo on toast!

Saffron: A Herbal Treasure


Saffron has ancient status in herbal medicine, recently it has become a more mainstream herbal remedy, popping up in my healthfood stores and pharmacies across several well-known brands. This is thanks to more research that has been conducted into Saffron’s therapeutic uses with fantastic results.

Historically, Saffron was used for ailments such as skin, digestive, respiratory, urinary tract, mood disorders and eye health.  With links to traditional uses all over the world including much of Europe and the Middle East, China and India, saffron is a world recognised herb with a variety of health benefits.

Modern day research has backed many of the traditional uses of saffron which include:


          Neurodegenerative reduction

          Respiratory complaints



One of the most recognised and useful functions of Saffron is as an antidepressant or mood stabiliser. The herb contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective properties, all indicated in depression and mood disorders. Research has demonstrated positive effects in the reduction of anxiety, stress, sleep quality and mood enhancement. Better yet, there are little side effects to the use of Saffron.


Inflammation and oxidation have a large role to play in neurodegenerative diseases. As previously mentioned, Saffron boasts a substantial amount of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties making it beneficial in the potential prevention and management of diseases such as Alzheimer’s. 


A lesser known action of Saffron is its role as a bronchodilator. Asthmatics experience moderate to severe levels of bronchoconstriction, causing difficulty in breathing. Saffron has demonstrated potential in opening airways and enhancing circulation to the lungs. This may help to reducing the wheezing and shortness of breath that accompanies asthma. 


Saffron has shown promise in reducing atherosclerotic risk by reducing the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, lipid (fat) absorption and plaque adhesion to arteries, preventing blockages and therefore, cardiovascular events.

Saffron, a herb that rarely enters our pantry cupboard due to its high price tag, yet lives up to its value with exceptional health benefits is often overlooked for other herbs, supplements and medications.

Spruce Up Your Grocery Trolley with These Healthy Additions


Fit out your trolley with these fit and healthy must haves

Think real food and plants!

Hair, skin, nails, the immune system, our joints, our guts, literally everything to do with our body can benefit from a diet that is largely plant based. This is scientifically proven!

The detoxifying effects of the antioxidants and water in plants sets us up for the perfect summer of not only looking great but feeling energetic. This doesn’t mean rushing out and purchasing the newest, most expensive discoveries in superfoods. Some common house-hold food items will do the trick without breaking the bank. Boosting the nutritional value of common food items lays within its preparation. Prep techniques can either make or break a superfood. The goal of eating should be, to boost nutritional content including vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Each one of these vital components of food is deeply impacted by processing. Processing may include applying heat, adding stabilizing or preserving ingredients such as sugar, sodium, acids or artificial preservatives. Each of which extend the shelf life and taste appeal of the food item but reduce its nutritional content.

I am excited to throw you some little life hacks in this blog to really get you going on a nutritional boosting path.

Have you ever thought of putting your mushrooms in the sunlight? Why on earth would you bother doing that! You ask. Well, the sun enhances the vitamin D status of the mushrooms. Mushrooms are in Vitamin D2 form, not active D3. They do need to undergo conversion for use by the body. None the less, a boost in D2 will do some spectacular things for your health. 1-2 hours is a good sun baking timeframe for our meaty friends.


Citrus foods boast a whole lot more than just the vitamin C they are commonly recognized for. The spray you in the face juiciness of citrus contain an array of free radical scavenging antioxidants which have been shown to guard you from a range of disease states such as cancers, age related brain diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes and help you to have beautiful skin. 

Rich colored citrus such as ruby red grapefruit and blood orange offer even greater antioxidant content.

Don’t throw away the good parts!

Closer to the outer edges (around the skin and between each segment) of citrus fruits contain some great benefits and is where most of the nutrients lay. Eating the pith can greatly increase your nutritional benefit and boost the antioxidant profile.

Make them crispy

You can enhance some of the benefits of citrus fruits by drying them in an oven. How?

Preheat oven to 100C, slice oranges, place on an oven tray and bake for 1.5 hours on one side and another 1.5 hours on the other. Keep checking on them to see if they have already gone crispy, you don’t want them to burn! This process brings out some of those lovely antioxidants.


An old saying but it remains strong in the world of health. For such an accessible food the health benefits of apples are HUGE!  Apples are fantastic appetite controls. They help to regulate blood glucose levels, reduce cholesterol, support intestinal health and reduce the risk of diabetes. Green apples (Granny Smith) are lower in sugar and contain the prebiotic fiber, known as pectin, which helps to support healthy gut bacteria function and development.

DON’T throw away the skin! Like all fruit and vegetables, the most nutritious parts of the apple can be found within or just under the skin. Cutting away the skin could mean losing so many wonderful nutritional benefits such as fiber, antioxidants, vitamin A and C.

Wash them

Be sure to wash your store-bought apples. Supermarkets love to have beautiful, enticing fruit and vegetables, but this often means placing sprays and waxes on them to make them shine and keep them looking beautiful for longer.


As a rule, dark, richer coloured leafy greens pack the greatest nutritional punch in a salad bowl. Rocket adds a digestive component to your salad, with its peppery, slightly bitter taste it kicks your digestive juices into action. Baby spinach oozes with antioxidants, iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, K and folic acid, giving you the protective power you need to fight off free radicals and flood you with a boost of energy. These nutrients are also extremely nourishing to the cardiovascular system. Kale is another salad green that rivals rocket and spinach on nutritional punch. Skip the old school iceberg lettuce which carries little more than water and include these superheroes of the salad world. They also make for a far prettier and more interesting salad. As mentioned in the paragraph on mushrooms, vegetables obtain and develop much of their antioxidant properties from sunlight. Salad leaves that are open to the sun such as kale, baby spinach and rocket are given the opportunity to enhance their nutritional profile, more so than tighter more enclosed varieties.

Did you know that the vitamin C found in lemon juice can enhance the absorption of the iron content in spinach? This is great news for vegans and vegetarians as non-heme (non-animal) sources of iron are less easily taken up by the body than their heme counterparts. Adding vitamin C to non-heme sources increases its chances of absorption.


Although, greatly recognized for their high lycopene content often related to prostate health, tomatoes have so much more to offer. The carotene that lurks within the beautifully red tomato supports healthy cardiovascular function and prevents skin from sun damage, no wonder they are a mainstay in the Mediterranean diet. Its collagen boosting properties are shown help to repair the skin and slow the ageing process. Once again, the skin is where the money is (nutritional benefits).

Cook them up!

The cooking process increases and activates the tomatoes lycopene potential. Home made spaghetti sauces and baked beans using chopped up tomatoes are a great way to boost the nutrient value of your food.

Keep them out of the fridge

We need those perfect antioxidants to continue to develop long after they have been picked. Refrigerating tomatoes can holt this process and reduce the antioxidant potential of the tomato.


We all know berries are good for us. They have long been included in the list of superfoods. Why? Berries contain high levels of antioxidants and collagen boosting vitamin C. These, superb inclusions for skin health. But, in a less vein sense, berries are fantastic supports for cardiovascular health.

Look for rich reds and purples. The richer the colour, the greater the nutritional benefit. Some research has shown that the proteins found in milk products reduce the absorption of vitamin C so try to skip the addition of milk. Instead, opt for a non-dairy based milk such as coconut, almond, oat to combine with your smoothie or choose yoghurt varieties utilizing these milk bases.


Brassica vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflower should be rich in colour and slightly steamed, not eaten raw.  Research suggests that brassica vegetables can inhibit thyroid function. It is also difficult for some to effectively digest raw brassica vegetables. When prepared properly, brassica vegetables support liver function, contain significant calcium and vitamin K levels and can become a versatile addition to most meals such as cauliflower rice, pizza bases, vegan cheeses, vegetable bakes and much more.

As you can see, boosting the nutritional content of your shopping trolley is easier than ever and can be achieved with common, every day superfoods. Colour and proper preparation is the key to enhancing these nutritional benefits. Happy shopping!

Tuna – Salmons Greatest Rival



Salmon seems to receive all of the accolades when it comes to health benefits.

But the humble tuna puts up a pretty good fight for nutritional profile.

Let’s see why it measures up!

Heart Healthy Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing good cholesterol (HDL). This reduces the negative impact cholesterol has on the arteries and allows the heart to do its job, pumping blood around the body.

Reduces Pain and Inflammation

The healthy fats found in Tuna have been shown to reduce pain and inflammation, particularly muscular, joint and arthritic pain but can also include headaches and migraines.

Helps to Lower Blood Pressure

Tuna contains beneficial levels of potassium. Potassium is an electrolyte which supports healthy blood pressure. Teamed up with anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids and blood can flow freely and without resistance around the body.

Supports a Healthy Immune System

Zinc and Vitamin C are important antioxidant nutrients in a healthy immune system.

Weight Management

The reduction and management of inflammation, along with the clean protein found in tuna sets the body up for a healthy metabolism. Tuna is low in saturated fats and is therefore a healthy option over red meats, which are rich in saturated fat.

Bone Health

Rich in B vitamins, Tuna is a great supporter of bone health, making the bones stronger, more durable and less likely to break or fracture.

Sexy Skin

The mix of protein, omega-3, B vitamins, zinc and Vitamin C is the perfect recipe for glowing, radiant skin. Free of acne, dry patches and wrinkles.

Enhanced Energy Production

Protein and B Vitamins provide sustained energy to support you throughout the day, stress and all.

Breakfast: Oat, Chia, Hemp and Nut Protein Pudding


Why is breakfast so important?

Breakfast is an important part of our health. It prepares us physically and mentally for the day and sets the tone for how our metabolism will respond for the day ahead.

This is why, the foods we choose to put in or not to put in our mouth in some people’s case, really does have an effect on how we live for that day.

Consequences of no breakfast or the wrong breakfast may include:

  • Poor concentration
  • Poor memory and retention of information
  • Brain fog
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Low productivity
  • Poor brain function
  • Low energy
  • Low libido
  • Excessive hunger later in the day
  • Bing eating
  • Poor sleep
  • Higher levels of stress or a poor stress response
  • Slow metabolism


Longer term implications may include:

  • Weight gain/weight loss
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Blood sugar complications
  • Muscle wasting
  • Elevations in cholesterol and blood pressure

A well-balanced breakfast should include a balance of protein, healthy fats and a small amount of complex carbohydrates.

This Oat, Chia, Hemp and Nut Protein Pudding will have any feeling energised and ready to take on your day.


Oat, Chia, Hemp and Nut Protein Breakfast Pudding



1 tbsp. chia seeds

30g oats

½ cup water

Combine in a bowl and soak overnight.


1 tsp cacao powder

1 tbsp cacao nibs

1 heaped tsp almond butter (or any pure nut butter)

1 tsp cinnamon powder

10g vegan protein, flavour of choice

Another ½ cup water

1 dash almond milk


10g Mixed nuts and seeds

10g hemp seeds


Add pre-soaked chia/oat mix to a small pot.

Turn heat to low-medium.

Gently warm and add the remaining water, stir.

Once stirred through add the rest of the ingredients besides the toppings and stir until combine.

Remove from heat into bowl.

Top with mixed nuts, seeds and hemp seeds.

The pictured pudding also has dragon fruit chips for decoration, but you may like to add some fresh fruit such as passionfruit or berries.

You can enjoy this pudding cold or warm so it is a fantastic breakfast all year round!

Hangover Survival Smoothie

The Dreaded Hangover, Often the Consequence of a Good Time

I am not one to drink regularly, however, I do on occasion like to socialise and let my hair down with a few drinks.

Because alcohol highly depletes our vitamins, minerals, body fluids and disrupts the functioning of our guts and liver, it is important to replenish with quality nutrients.


I like to take a liver support before the event and drink lots of water to reduce dehydration.

Once I get home and, in the morning, I find a nice smoothie nourishing and restoring and…. greatly reduces the severity of the hang over.

This smoothie is dairy free, gluten free, vegan and refined sugar free! 


In my Hangover Survival Smoothie you will find

1 cup almond milk or coconut water (full of electrolytes)

½ cup mixed berries (full of antioxidants)

1 banana (contains potassium, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates)

¼- ½ avocado (healthy fats to reduce inflammation and fibre)

1 tsp cacao powder (contains magnesium)

20g prana or Sunwarrior protein vegan proteins

¼ cup baby spinach

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp nut butter

60ml Kefir

1 tsp maca powder

1 tsp chia seeds

Simply blend it all up before you begin your big night/day and have half when you get home and finish it off in the morning with a healthy protein and complex carb brekky.

Why these ingredients?

Coconut water contains a mix of electrolytes to support proper hydration and the processing of alcohol.

Berries are high in antioxidants to reduce the oxidative damage that alcohol has on our body. They also contain vitamin C to support the immune system and processing of alcohol.

Bananas are a source of the electrolyte potassium to replace the losses caused by the diuretic effect of alcohol. They also contain other beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Avocados are rich in fibre and potassium but are also are great source of healthy fats which help to reduce the oxidative damage caused by alcohol.

Cacao is rich in antioxidants to reduce oxidative damage and is a valuable source of magnesium, another electrolyte that assists in hydration, the processing of alcohol and relaxed the muscle and nervous system. Magnesium is also a vasodilator which can reduce the severity of headaches.

Protein utilisation and absorption is reduced with alcohol intake. Because protein plays an important role in every function of our body including our immune system, nervous system, digestive functions, liver function and muscle repair and function it is important that we replenish our protein to process the alcohol we have consumed and restore efficient and optimal body function.

Spinach contains iron and antioxidants along with other essential vitamins and minerals to reduce damaged blood cells and oxidative damage.

Cinnamon soothes and warms the digestive tract but also assists in blood sugar regulation that is often disrupted by alcohol, particularly those yummy drinks containing large amounts of sugars.

Nut butters not only taste delish! but they contain beneficial amounts of healthy fats.

Kefir assists in restoring the healthy gut bacteria that we lose with drinking alcohol. Many people now days have altered gut flora without the inclusion of alcohol so re-introducing these important little friends goes a long way towards a healthy hangover recovery.

Maca powder will boost your energy levels to bounce back faster.

Chia seeds are little seeds that pack a powerful nutritional punch. They are full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre and healthy fats providing the tools for a speedy recovery.

It’s what you put in that counts!
